Black Cumin Seeds for Cancer

Multiple studies have shown that black cumin seed extracts and oil boost production of bone marrow cells and immune cells, suggesting that they could be used to treat autoimmune disorders and even fight cancer. Indeed, thymoquinone has been shown to have powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and anti-tumour properties.

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Tracey Mortensen
The NRF2 Pathway & Sulforaphane for Cancer

Sulforaphane is a potent isothiocyanate and is found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and kale. Robust amounts of scientific research point towards sulforaphane’s potent cancer preventative effects as well as its benefit in those who already have a diagnosis of cancer.

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Tracey Mortensen
ESSIAC Tea for Cancer

Together, these four herbs create a powerful immune-boosting and anti-cancer elixir that can destroy the overgrowth of bad bacteria, viruses and parasites, detoxify the liver and kidneys, enhance the immune system, provide the body with a powerful dose of antioxidants, and reduce tumours.

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Tracey Mortensen
Let’s Get You Juicing

Juicing is a fantastic way to boost your antioxidant levels. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with minerals, enzymes, and vitamins to support your body’s natural healing abilities. Veggie juices work so well because they’re easy to absorb, they’re like an intravenous infusion of nutrients.

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Tracey Mortensen